In the practise of learning, each week I have been learning to self evaluate and look at the relative progression that has existed through the creation of the projects I have made during the project, specifically a from the learnt experience of being able to client work I have been able to learn about how to be dynamic in a range of situation and none more so that with Grimsby Ancient Mariners Walking Football.
During this work, I was filming for a separate project, however during this time it was on myself to design a look that was versatile and not simply stick in hand filming, moreover, my way of filming was to give a guidance of my role for what I was filming for but to blend in with the surrounding area and people, luckily during this filming period, their was JoeMedia filming for and independent project.
Moreover this limited any strong interest that may have occurred during the filming, however during the process I was able to speak confidently and learn about the people and the community surrounding the club, this gave me a clearer idea of how to film but also to get the best story and footage that could tell the story effectively, however with the rendering footage, I have tried to keep with this same feeling so I have not limited and tried to learn from what I did then, keeping the thought of the video, but additionally to look at research to develop and design a style relative to other scene and promo's surrounding this theme.