Further to current progression in my Advanced Production Practise, I have been able to attend through a Screen Yorkshire Connected Campus Opportunity Scheme to attend an Online Event with production crew including director Johnathan Butterell, production designer Janey Levick, make up designer Guy Speranza and location manager Richard Knight.
Some of the questions I put across included the following for director and set designer.
Johnathan Butterell
What was the hardest moment for you to film as director on ETAJ, but also for you to experience as person/viewer?
The response was that everyday brings new practical challenges and that knowing and being part of a collaborative process where everybody has a gathered understanding is required to make a strong production, however one of the most touching moments is when the director talked about David who was a close friend to the production and talked about mirroring true events that were inspired by the story that was transpiring at the centre of the story.
Consequently, the story hits home when David is actually seen rebelling against the hate that was being directed, having this genuine connection alongside telling the story that wasn't just narrative but actually involved practical real life experiences was one of the main points I took away that knowing what is seen can be captivating to tell more of story to the audience.
Janey Levick
Would you and the location manger talk often about the look and vision for certain scene’s?
This was a question, I posed towards both Richard and Janey, in any line of work collaboration is key to a strong understanding of the needs of the production, moreover the conversation talked about the way in which the location has to fit the theme and music, Janey also said that when working with Richard that knowing the feel for the location matched the feel was always something they both took away.
Moreover, the choreography was also important to understanding and developing the story, however all this coming together was the primary importance to making the film what it came out to be.