In continuation, I have continued to have the opportunity to work on local sponsored production 3DM, during the past couple of weeks I have been able to shadow working with Art Department and talking with Millie (Script Supervisor) I have taken much away from this experience, in continuation of my experience towards working as a camera operator I have been able to communicate directly about how to sharpen focus, the way light affect a scene and the prep that goes prior to roll, when working with AD (Art Department) I have been able to learn about how they use different creative methods such a using markers on glasses to keep shot continuity, and using alternative substances such as (Appel Juice) as an alternative to using actual alcoholic substances.
I feel that fundamentally my skills have seen marked improvement, I feel that my communication skills have improved, and knowledge and confidence in my skills have improved, I have felt that I have been able to contribute more idea's to production staff in confident way that has helped to keep things on track, I have also been able to communicate clearly with other runners. and bring our collective knowledge together this has required other roles such as making sure proper documentation has been passed along to the correct HOD (Head of Department) all of this has helped me to think and incorporate my of my creative problem solving skills to help adaptive and work to resolution to solve and put solutions in place.
